Patavi Ballet-Opera

"Patavi" Story Line

Patavi is woven around true Chinese story in the days when the Great Wall of China was built. The emperor Shi Huan Tei was cruel and did not care about thousands of men who had been forced to work on the construction of the Great Wall of China. Thousands of men were died and buried under the great wall.

The construction of the wall was a tragedy as thousands who did not comply with the royal degree, were summarily executed by soldiers. Patavi lives in a remote hamlet with her husband. They were just married and soldiers took her husband to work at the wall. Patavi's husband died whilst shouldering a huge boulder. His body was laid on the bank of the river where the wall was being constructed. Patavi without knowing her husband's tragic death put final touches to a jacket for her lover. Upon failure to send the jacket through a messenger, Patavi herself embarked on a long journey in search of her husband, braving harsh winter.
She reaches the wall only to be found her husband's body lay on the site while the workers at the site paying no respect for the dead. Patavi cursed emperor and Ministers, causing a stoppage of work. Since the Ministers find it difficult to deal with Patavi, the emperor comes to the construction site.

Enticed by the incomparable beauty of Patavi, the emperor wants to win Patavi's heart. Patavi suddenly changes her mind and promises to marry the emperor only if he accorded a decent funeral for her husband. The emperor who now wants, somehow, to win the heart of Patavi accords a decent funeral for her husband. The legend ends with Patavi taking her life by jumping into the roaring waves of the river and disappeared among the waves.

The Specialty of "Patavi" Ballet Opera
  • The first ever Ballet Opera in Sinhala within Sri Lankan context, is "Patavi".
  • The first creation in Sri Lanka using Ballet Pointed Shoes.
  • The largest Stage Set Design for a stage drama driven in Sri Lanka is "Patavi".
"Patavi" Ballet Opera Recent Performances
  • The first ever Sri Lankan Ballet Opera "Patavi" started her journey on the 15th August 2008 from BMICH.
  • The second performance of "Patavi" held on Royal College New Arts Theatre on the 1st November 2008.
  • The successful third performance held on 23rd February 2009 at the same venue presence of Sri Lankan Artists.
  • The 4th performance of "Patavi" Ballet Opera staged on 27th August 2009 at Visaka College Hall.
  • The 5th show was on stage at Kularathna Hall, Ananda college on 2nd May with the large audience from all walks of life.
  • The 6th performance of "Patavi" staged at Kularathna Hall, Ananda college on 15th November 2010 with the large audience from all walks of life.